Building your log home, step by step

For many people building a log home may seem like a complicated and challenging effort.  We disagree – in fact, we feel building your log home should be a rewarding experience.  At Katahdin, we have the knowledge, capabilities and experience to make the process of building your home as uncomplicated and enjoyable as possible.

Katahdin has all the tools.  Our in-house Design Team is able to meet your design needs, with unique solutions to your dreams.  We’ve applied the latest CAD technology to take your ideas from paper to pre-drilled and pre-cut logs produced in our state-of-the-art manufacturing plant. 

Here's the possible order of steps you'll go through as you prepare for the building of your Katahdin cedar log home.  Please keep in mind, every township varies in their codes & requirements. The best place to start this whole process is by contacting your ZONING OFFICER or CODE OFFICIAL for your township. For contact information, look in the phone book blue pages under "local govt." or in the business white pages for individual township listings. If you are unsure and would like us to handle these details, please call today!

  1. LAND PURCHASE – If the prior owner hasn't obtained a perc test or soils report, include a favorable perc as a contingency on the purchase.
  2. PERC TEST – This test may determine the location of your house. If a General Contractor (GC) has been hired, he may handle the perc test also.
  3. CHOOSE GC OR BUILDER – Marydee can provide a list of qualified log home builders.
  4. SURVEYOR – The surveyor prepares a site plan showing location of septic system, well, house, & entrance road. (Some building code offices allow the home owner to prepare their own site plan according to guidelines they provide.) Site plan becomes part of the application for a building permit.
  5. BUILDING PERMITS – (ex. well, septic/perc test, electric, plumbing) Preliminary Plans can be provided from Katahdin for permitting purposes.
  6. ACCESS DRIVEWAY & CLEARING / PREPARATION OF BUILDING SITE – Can also be done in initial stages by the homeowner.
  7. EXCAVATION – After permits are approved, the GC or SURVEYOR can mark the site for the EXCAVATOR who will make the driveway, clear the site, & dig the foundation.
  8. FOUNDATION – The foundation is constructed.